viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

My favourites Books

One of the nicest things I love to do is read, is very important for my have a book in my bag for the lecture; in my travels in bus or in the subway, before sleep, or in any moment I want to do it. When I have eleven years I start whit this habit, I started with fantasy literature; the first was Harry Potter (Harry Potter and the philosopher stone), and from that I wait anxiously the second part (Harry Potter and the chambers of secrets), until the seventh, that was the last of the saga and was the end of my childhood (Harry Potter and the deathly hallows). But I don’t read just Harry Potters, I read fantasy sagas like Eragon, the Narnia’s, his dark materials, twilight, the vampire diaries, The Name of the Wind. The Kingkiller Chronicle: In these books I read about vampires, dragons, magic and things that don’t exist. The last saga I read was an excellent saga: A song of ice and fire, well-know like Game of Thrones, but my favourite fantasy saga ever was The lord of the rings, because is the first of the style and the history is amazing.

But read just one type of books is boring, for that reason I have read literature of different styles: the literature of Latino America is amazing, books like love in the time of cholera, or one hundred years of solitude, writed by Gabriel Garcia Marquez,  or the truce by Mario Benedetti, hopscotch by Julio Cortázar, Tunnel by Ernesto Sábato, and so many more in the list. Spain Literature like The Fog by Unamuno,  and one of the most important books in the history: The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha.

I was read books  about topics more philosophical,  for example I have read to Kafka, Nietzsche, Platón, Heidegger, and others. And for my own I read a lot of books of politic, writers like Marx, Lenin, Trosky, Ernesto Guevara, Rosa Luxemburgo, Gramsci and others. I read a lot of poetry too, like Pablo Neruda, Mario Benedetti, Alejandra Pizarnik, Pablo de Rokha, Nicanor Parra and my favourite: Vicente Huidobro.  

2 comentarios:

  1. Read "tengo miedo torero" I know that will like you ! <3

  2. I really enjoyed the fog by unamuno when i read that... in some ways i feel identified with that book.
