sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

A VIDEOCLIP: Welcome to the machine, Pink Floyd.

A VIDEOCLIP: Welcome to the machine, Pink Floyd.
This video isn`t famous (not like THE WALL, for example), but IS really interesting. Pink Floyd is a English Rock Band, one of my favorites bands. They have the particularity that their work is marked by the use of philosophical lyrics, with messages of life sense, and protest lyrics.
In this song, they spoke about the life of a guy who wants to find his own future, but the society machine doesn’t permit that, so he buys a guitar, but he is a slave of the school, a marionette, he has dreams, but this doesn’t matter, because everything (the society and his parents) have dreams imposed for him, he wants a guitar, but that doesn’t matter, he has been in the pipeline, filling in the time.
The video is animated: in the video appears the machine, a rat, the screams, the death, a skull, the desert, the blood ocean, the lost dreams of the life of a boy.
I saw this video when I was fifteen years old , and I never forgot the sensation I had in that moment, so confused, but concentrate whit that. Is a really nice band, one of the rock bands most important in the history, and yes, Pink Floyd knows how to make a good videoclip


I want to speak about one important topic for me: THE FIGHT FOR THE HUMAN BASIC RIGHTS, particularly the Chilean people (we lost them).
The 2011 was special for our country; the Chileans woke up (finally), and went out to the streets to fight, for the future, for our children, for ourselves; no more abuses, no more individualism, no more debts, no more injustices, no more violence. We need justice, solidarity, we need freedom, we need another system, a just system, a system based jn love.
For that reason we need organization, a big social movement this year, everyone’s fighting for the recuperation of the education, the public health, the natural recourses, the dignity of our pensioners. In Conclusion, we need fight for our rights.

AN EVENT: The Embraces Part

The event is organized by the communist party of Chile, and to bring together all the socials organizations who want a change for our country: syndicates, some left-wing political parties, a lot of revolutionary organizations, or just people with interest, in all the cases, the purpose is to defeat this neoliberal system, and the government of the right parties.
The principal idea is to make a party of two days, were the Chilean people (even of other countries) to gather together, in the event there will be art of every styles, musicians, discussions, forums, locations of revolutionary products (pictures of Che Guevara, for example), craftwork, and others.
The objective is to join all the people who want a different country, and end up definitely with the Pinochet dictatorship system; change the constitution and to advance to another political system, make for the great majority and not for a little group of people with a lot of money.
The event was made in the Parque Ohiggins, the January 7th and 8th, and leaders like Camila Vallejo, Camilo Ballesteros, Cristián Cuevas and Guillermo Tellier spoke in the principal scenario. And musical bands like Villa Cariño, La Sonora Tommy Rey and Intillimani played in that.
I don’t celebrate so much, because I work in the organization of the party (I am Juventudes Comunistas de Chile‘s activist), but anyway, were two excellent days and I really enjoyed the experience. 


miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Chinese Calendar

I was born on January 5th, in 1992 (I born in democracy), and my horoscope says: I am a goat, occupying the 8th position in the Chinese zodiac, the goat symbolize such character, and is a sign of creative, intelligence, dependability and calmness.

My zodiac says a lot of things about me, but, it says something about being alone, says I am more comfortable in loneliness; that is a lie, I love group work. My zodiac says a lot of things that have nothing in relation with my personality. For example, it says something about “they are quiet and reserved” really? I am a crazy man, and being reserve is not my style, jeje. Apart of this, it says “in the work they´ll never volunteer” Really? I always do it! Being a leader and having opinion is so important for me. 

I really don’t believe so much in this kind of things, because, I know people of my same zodiac symbol, and we don’t have anything in common, with characters completely different. For this reason I don’t use to read my horoscope (ever). Sometimes I Just read the horoscope of the newspaper “la hora”, but I prefer make the puzzle.

Childhood Christmas

§  I don’t remember a special Christmas, always was the same, beautiful and delicious dinner with my family (good music and special conversation). But, despite my family is believer (is not a meeting for buy gifts, is just share in family and be together as well).
When i was a child, i didn´t understand those costumes, and my parents given to me a present anyway.
A lot of time was the same gift: a football ball, but when i had five years old my dad bought a German shepherd dog for my family, his name was Rex.
I remember that Christmas for one big reason: My Dog, Rex was a real friend, but he died two years ago, that was too sad for me, i loved so much, and i miss him.
That Christmas was in December 24th, 1997 and I´ll never forget it, because Rex was, is and will be a great friend.
The second Christmas that i could remember was in 2002, i receive a bicycle from my parents, but unfortunately I broke it just one week later; playing like jackass television program (my dad didn´t buy a bike for me anymore). (in the picture, Rex)

An important day for me.

When I was fifteen years, I traveled for the first time to Bolivia and Perú with my grandfather, Victor, the journey was beautiful and full of magic.
One day was very special, my grandfather got sick and I was forced to go Machupichu by my one, and for a fifteen it was a complete challenge, I felt alone, scared and fully surprised by the beauty and magic of the ruins. Even though the fear I felt, I climbed the Huayna-pichu mountain, a very difficult path but I make it through the top.
I saw in the mountains, in the people, all the possibilities, all the visions, a lot of people of many different countries. It was incredible the magic that I felt. That day I decided that I have to change, the world is bigger than I imagine, since that day on I realized that the world was fascinating and I must travel it, the whole world as it is possible.
This day was very special and I remember it with a lot of nostalgic and anxious for succeed in my challenge, to visit the most possible countries in my life and revive the felling.

My Christmas Night.

In the night of december 24th, I was dinner with my family, the sense of the Christmas for us is not buy presents, we just stay together and we share. We ate lasagna with out meet, because im vegetarian and I don’t eat animals.
The night was so nice because we laught a lot, and talked until very late. For us the night is just share, for that reason we don’t recibe presents. At the dinner were present my parents, mi sister, my grandmother and my pet (here name is Dominga and she is a Pastor Alemán of two years old).
Was a very nice family dinner, me usually did that, but in this case we ate more delicious food. When the dinner finished, I go to sleep but before that I saw a movie.
In the December 25th, I stay all the day in my house and I was stay in the swinning pool, because the day was very hot. After that I studied for a test that I have the day December 27th.
The best memory that I have of Christmas night was all the Cola de Mono I drink, this drink is so delicious.